DeSales Irish
DeSales Irish
Varsity Football
6-3 Overall
6-3 League

DeSales Football Roster

#playerspos 1pos 2yearheightweight
2TETE--6' 1"205
3WRWR--5' 10"165
4WRWR--5' 8"128
5HBHB--6' 0"185
6RBRB--5' 6"132
7WRWR--5' 9"175
9RBRB--5' 9"175
10WRWR--5' 9"155
11WRWR--5' 6"140
12WRWR--5' 9"145
17QBQB--6' 0"190
22WRWR--5' 9"160
23WRWR--5' 9"155
25RBRB--5' 5"150
28TETE--5' 11"175
33RBRB--5' 9"155
51TT--6' 0"160
54MLBMLB--6' 1"190
56OLOL--5' 11"190
57DEDE--6' 2"190
64GG--5' 10"215
66DTDT--6' 5"265
72OLOL--5' 11"150
74CC--5' 8"165
75OLOL--5' 9"190
77TT--6' 1"215
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