East Linn Christian Academy Eagles
East Linn Christian Academy Eagles
Junior Varsity Boys Basketball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

East Linn Christian Academy Boys Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
1Bain PoolBain PoolSo.6' 0"
10Wyatt EastmanWyatt EastmanSo.6' 0"
13Demetrius WilkeDemetrius WilkeFr.5' 11"
14Matthew NeilsonMatthew NeilsonSr.6' 3"
23Gavin WilsonGavin WilsonFr.5' 11"
25Josh RehartJosh RehartSo.5' 8"
33Owen NofzigerOwen NofzigerSo.6' 3"


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